Optimizing Your Home for Heat Efficiency

As winter approaches, now is the time to start thinking about how you can optimize your home for heat efficiency. By making a few strategic changes, you can lay out your home in such a way that will help to keep it warm and comfortable all season long. 

Big Ben Cleaning Services wants to help you prepare your home for winter. Not only is it important to have a furnace that is running properly, but it is also important to arrange the inside of your home so that it is laid out for optimal heat efficiency. Big Ben Cleaning Services will clean your furnace and make sure it is running properly and efficiently. Contact us today to book a FREE estimate: 

While also providing you with some of our tips and tricks so you can set your home up for optimal heat efficiency. Read on!

Furniture Placement

One of the easiest ways to optimize your home for heat efficiency is by carefully considering the placement of your furniture. When possible, try to move furniture away from vents so that warm air can circulate more easily. Additionally, paying attention to the location of windows and using furniture to block drafts can also help keep your home warm.

Drapes and Curtains

Another simple way to make your home more heat efficient is by taking advantage of the sun’s natural warmth. During the day, open curtains, and drapes to let the sun’s rays in. This will help to warm up your home naturally. Then, when night falls, close them back up again to help retain that heat.

Rugs and Mats

Another great way to add extra warmth to your home is by adding rugs or mats in high-traffic areas. Not only will this help to keep your floors warm, but it will also help cut down on noise levels. Rugs and mats are also a great way to add a pop of colour or pattern to any room!

Last Words:

By making a few simple changes, you can lay out your home in such a way that will help to keep it warm and comfortable all season long. Furniture placement, window coverings, and flooring are all great places to start when optimizing your home for heat efficiency.

And don’t forget to make sure your furnace is in tip top working order before those cold winter days are upon us!

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a professional inspection, please contact us today. We would be happy to help you keep your home comfortable, warm, and safe.

“Life’s Too Short for Mediocre Cleaning!”

The Team at Big Ben Cleaning Inc.
